Teachers and Therapists: Andrew Wormald

What I offer

Tai Chi

Contact details

Classes: https://truefortune.co.uk/

Email: andrew@truefortune.co.uk

Phone 07379 281275

Location: Bristol

I started my Taiji journey in 1999 with a wonderful teacher who taught traditional Yang style Taijiquan. He was a student of Dr Shen's, and as my interest in Taiji deepened I went on to attend many weekend and residential courses with Dr Shen. I studied with Dr Shen for around ten years before his passing in 2011, and, since then, have continued to practice under the guidance of his daughter Shen Jin.

My interest in these arts led me to study the religions of Asia at university, and this culminated in a PhD researching the history of Buddhist meditation in modern China. During this time I spent roughly five years living and studying in China, which enabled me to engage with original Chinese sources on self-cultivation practice, and to discuss the finer points of practice directly with Chinese-speaking teachers.

Weekly Classes

Taijiwuxigong: Monday, 12pm to 1pm at St George CC, Bristol

Taijiwuxigong: Wednesday, 12pm to 1pm at the Bristol Folk House

Taijiquan (Tai Chi): Wednesday, 1.15pm to 2.15pm at the Bristol Folk House

(For more details please see my website)

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