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Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Tai Chi

Welcome to the Dr Shen Tai Chi UK website - a resource for exploring the system of Tai Chi, Qigong, Buqi healing and Meditation developed by Grandmaster Shen Hongxun to help manage life’s physical and emotional stresses and build better health. 

Whether you want to deal with a health issue, to increase vitality or calm a stressed mind, Dr Shen's system can help you. Joining an online class is a great way to start. You'll meet a friendly group of like-minded people and be guided by an experienced teacher. One-on-one sessions, including Buqi healing, are also available from some teachers and practitioners, visit Teachers & Therapists for details of what each teacher offers. To find a class near you visit Class locations.

The need for supportive health practices such as Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation has never been greater than it is today.  Many teachers are teaching online as well as in person classes.  You can find a calendar of in person classes HERE

Dr Shen's work is taught extensively in the UK and internationally with thousands of students of all ages reaping the physical and mental health benefits of his integrated system. This website focuses on where you can access his healing system in the UK – via classes, workshops and clinics.


What is Taijiwuxigong?

In this article, Sarah Bartlett shares what Taijiwuxigong has meant to her and how it has become such a central part of her life. 

Sound Yourself Well

This is the transcript from a public talk given by Catriona at an event organised with colleagues in Bristol, in which they introduced and demonstrated the use of Buqi Sound healing techniques.

Hello Sound - Buqi style

Sheila Green is unique amongst Buqi practitioners, in that she was specifically encouraged by Dr Shen to specialise in working with the voice, sound and mantra. Here, in typical comical style, Sheila shares some thoughts around how to get a good night's sleep.

She has generously given access to some of her recorded work so that anyone can benefit from this right away! See below.