Teachers and Therapists: Deborah Cosbey

What I offer

Tai Chi

Contact details

Please email me at: buqi@joosborne.co.uk 

Or leave a message on: 07771 870389

I am currently available for pop-up workshops for:

Taijiwuxigong - understanding the principles and practise of this system, to develop ourselves and our own internal energy forces, combined with breath, mind and body.

Buqi for, and with, Horses - Informed by this work, and using the body, mind and heart, in our relationship and connection to horses, both for them and with them. Working with Buqi for the horses and Taijiwuxigong for the humans; understanding the principles and applications behind this body of work.

"It is possible, and sometimes necessary, to find your way back to your self through the heart energy of a horse!"

Horses Qualifications I have gathered across time include: BHS Intermediate Teacher, Qualified Horse Sports Massage Therapist, Diploma in Equine Thermal Imaging (as taught by Donna Harper DVM), horse owner for 40+ years, competitor & freelance teacher in all 3 disciplines; dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The best qualification being, hanging about with horses, in their field, with the group, for about 10 years. I am an advocate of Friendship Training as created by Chuck Mintzlaff.

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